Plugin Templates

Copy-pastable example snippets for accelerating plugin development

Method of a component

In this example - render

const render = (args, callback, instance) => (
       { callback.apply(instance, args) }

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Component': {
       'member-function': {

Container functions

Common case - when you need to pass an additional function from parent to child

export class NAMEContainerPlugin {
   containerFunctions = (originalMember, instance) => ({
       handleSomething: this.handleSomething.bind(instance)

   handleSomething(arg) {

const { containerFunctions } = new NAMEContainerPlugin();

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Container': {
       'member-property': {

Prop types

You need to add an additional prop to propTypes after passing an additional prop to the component? No problem!

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const propTypes = (originalMember) => ({
   handleSomething: PropTypes.func.isRequired

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Component': {
       'static-member': {

Default props

Not required new propType - do this.

const defaultProps = (originalMember) => ({
   pluginProp: 'PluginProp'

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Container': {
       'static-member': {

More state

Additional fields for the state.

const state = (originalMember) => ({
   PluginState: 'PluginState'

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Container': {
       'member-property': {

Adding a Reducer to the Redux Store

Add reducers to the application as follows.

import { NAMEReducer } from '../store/NAME;

const getStaticReducers = (args, callback, instance) => ({

export const config = {
   'Store/Index/getReducers': {
       function: getStaticReducers

export default config;

Query fields

Additional query field shown below!

const _getMETHODFields = (args, callback, instance) => [
   ...callback.apply(instance, args),

export default {
   'Query/NAME': {
       'member-function': {

Reducer Initial State

const getInitialState = (args, callback, instance) => (
        new_state: 'true'

export default {
    'Store/NAME/Reducer/getInitialState': {
        function: getInitialState


Connect an additional piece of state to the component

const mapStateToProps = (args, callback, instance) => {
   const [state] = args; 

   return {
       pluginProp: state.SomeReducer.someState

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Container/mapStateToProps': {
       function: mapStateToProps


Connect an additional dispatch function to the component

const { letsDoSomething } = import('Store/STORENAME/STORENAME.action');

const mapDispatchToProps = (args, callback, instance) => {
   const [dispatch] = args;

   return {
       doSomething: (value) => dispatch(letsDoSomething(value))

export default {
   'Component/NAME/Container/mapDispatchToProps': {
       function: mapDispatchToProps

Adding a Route to the Router

Note how we use async import(...) statement here in order to optimize bundle sizes!

import { lazy } from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { withStoreRegex } from 'Component/Router/Router.component';

export const YourPage = lazy(() => import(
    /* webpackMode: "lazy", webpackChunkName: "extension-name" */ 

const SWITCH_ITEMS_TYPE = (originalMember) => [
       component: (
             path={ withStoreRegex('/path') }
             render={ (props) => <YourPage { ...props } /> }
       position: 100

export const config = {
   'Component/Router/Component': {
       'member-property': {

export default config;

Extending maps

Example: creating a new tab in MyAccount

import { lazy } from 'react';

import { 
} from '../component/MyAccountCustomTab/MyAccountCustomTab.config';

import MyAccountCustomTab from '../component/MyAccountCustomTab';

const renderMap = (originalMember) => ({
   [MY_TAB_NAME]: MyAccountCustomTab,

const tabMap = (originalMember) => ({
   [MY_TAB_NAME]: {
       url: `/${ MY_TAB_PATH }`,
       name: __('My Tab')

export default {
   'Route/MyAccount/Container': {
       'static-member': {
   'Route/MyAccount/Component': {
       'member-property': {

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